Sale price$35.900,00


Whole last: Approx. 2kg.

Characteristics: The classic Dutch cheese, yellowish in color, has a thin yellow rind and is a very versatile cheese as it can be used for preparations, snacks and combined with salami.

Flavor: Distinctive sweet flavor, with a delicious nutty aftertaste, wonderfully creamy.

Texture: The paste of young cheese is firm, light yellow in colour and is dotted with small, irregular holes or larger, sparse ones.

Region: Tandil, Province of Buenos Aires.

Maturation: 90 days in our cellar between 4 and 8°.

Pairing: With Provence-style rosé wines, fresh and fruity.

Cutting: In triangular portions of 2 or 3 mm. thickness.

Conservation: In refrigerator.

Presentation: Full last.

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