Sale price$19.900,00


Characteristics: It has a full sheep's milk aroma, and when you bite into it, it presents small crystals (tyrosine).

Flavor: Strong , intense and tasty, which becomes spicy in very aged cheeses.

Texture: pressed paste, aged for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 2 years. It has a thin, smooth rind, between white and straw-yellow in colour, and a compact paste.

Region: Magdalena, Province of Buenos Aires.

Maturation: 9 months in our cellars between 16 and 18° and 85% humidity.

Pairing: Red wine.

Cut: chopped into small portions.

Storage: in Santi packaging, in the refrigerator. To enhance the flavour and aroma, remove from the refrigerator 30 minutes before consumption.

Presentation: wrapped in SANTI silicone paper to preserve moisture, in our special reusable container with zipper closure.

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