Characteristics: With a beautiful heart-shaped appearance, it is a cow's milk cheese with a creamy paste and a white, bloomy rind.
Flavor: Its paste is golden yellow, smooth and creamy, with a mild moldy aroma.
Texture: It is covered with white fuzz that turns golden as it ripens.
Region: Córdoba.
Maturation: In our cellar between 4° and 5°.
Pairing: Rosé wines are ideal to accompany this original cheese. If we prefer red wines, those with less intense flavour and younger are a good option.
Cut: In small triangles.
Storage: In Santi packaging, in the refrigerator. To enhance the flavour and aroma, remove from the refrigerator 30 minutes before consumption.
Presentation: Wrapped in SANTI silicone paper to preserve moisture, in our special reusable container with zipper closure.